CTHRU Stabilization Development
The Commonwealth Stabilization Fund (or "rainy day" fund) accounts for amounts calculated in accordance with State Finance Law (Chapter 29, Section 5C of the General Laws) and maintains a reserve to enhance the Commonwealth's fiscal stability. The FY2020 Stabilization Fund balance includes FY2020 revenue from interest earned by the Stabilization Fund, income tax withholding on certain transfers of Lottery prizes, and 10% of the tax on the gaming profits generated by the Springfield and Everett casinos. There have been no outflows from the Stabilization Fund in FY2020. The FY2019 Stabilization Fund ending balance is preliminary, and will be finalized when the Comptroller's Office issues its FY2019 Statutory Basis Financial Report (SBFR).
Fiscal Year-End and Current
Stabilization Fund
Balances (In $ Millions)
Balance is as of November 12, 2019)